Wednesday, March 2, 2016

j reacts to super tuesday - bad scheduling for sanders, projections moving forwards

yeah, bernie's come out of this ok.

is colorado a blue state, now? well, it's acting like one. and, he got nearly 60%.

he got over 60% in minnesota. clinton got over 60% in a few southern states. so, it kind of balances out, even if the delegate count is a little lopsided because there were more red states in play.

and, massachusetts was a clean split.

when the situation reverses, and there's more blue states at play, the numbers will start to right themselves. it all hinges on the question of whether he can win states like oregon, washington and california by the same kinds of margins. how about pennsylvania?

and, i think he can.

like i say, this is just a bad schedule for bernie. louisiana and mississippi are likely to also be bad. but, he's just gotta break even after that until some of those liberal states come up. if he can win them by the same margins that he won colorado and minnesota, it will start to balance out before june.

i think it's clear that it comes down to california.