Tuesday, April 12, 2016

j reacts to the moral panic over canadian arms sales to the saudis

if you think that not selling arms to the saudis is going to save any lives in yemen...

i mean, they can always call the president and ask for another drone strike, right?

the saudi government is full of bad guys. sure. but the policy that needs to change is at a much higher level. the opposition to the arms deal is consequently really just a lot of empty moralizing.

which isn't to say that i think it should go through, so much as to say that i realize that it doesn't make any difference if it does or not.

the liberals will usually prefer to take the position of engagement over the position of boycott. and, it's probably legitimately the better starting point if you want to actually make some progress.

but, if you truly just want to pat yourself on the back without actually accomplishing anything substantive then by all means keep screaming and yelling.